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Connected: Robotnik

The story of an IT company helping to fulfill the wishes of a First Nations chief: to bring high-speed internet to the people of Paqtnkek, free to all residents.

In 2018, Flow Video found ourselves searching for a storage solution to the terabytes of video footage collected from our many shoots. We reached out to a local Halifax/Antigonish-based IT company Robotnik and we quickly began chatting about a project that they had begun in the First Nations community of Paqtnkek. Robotnik had teamed up with Chief PJ Prosper to discuss the logistics of providing free-high speed internet to the entire community.

Moving quickly to capture the undertaking, we travelled up to Paqtnkek to speak with Chief Prosper and a few residents of the community and to capture the process of setting up two large antennas and distribution dishes to the 130 residents of Paqtnkek.

This initiative was the first of its kind in Nova Scotia and we’re proud to have helped tell this important story.

Project Type


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